A limited number of travel assistance grants are available for all IPDPS student authors and PhD Forum participants, courtesy of IPDPS sponsor TCPP, the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel Processing. Priority will be given to students (based on merit) who would otherwise be unable to attend the conference and to graduate students presenting their own published work.
Notice of grants awarded will be made prior to the conference. The grants will be distributed post-conference in the form of reimbursements against actual travel and accommodations expense receipts as submitted by the student. Expenses that are not eligible for reimbursement include registration, transportation and meals. The amount of the grants will depend on the student's travel requirements, quality of paper/poster, and availability of funds.
Notification of awards will be made on April 22, 2025.
Note that PhD Forum participants who are IEEE (or ACM) members are eligible for discounted registration fees. (This does not apply to students who are also authors of a paper being presented in the main conference or workshops.)
- Author of an accepted conference or workshop paper or have a poster in the PhD Forum and be registered for the conference
- Student Member of IEEE Computer Society (or ACM) at the time of application submission
- Full-time student enrolled in STEM-related degree programs at a university
Complete the information requested in the online application form here. Use the Submit button at the bottom of the form to send your application to the TCPP travel grant committee. Note the following:
- Applications are due by April 8, 2025
- Applicants are encouraged to make their travel plans without depending on notification from the committee to ensure that lowest cost flights and accommodations have been secured
- Address any inquiries to travelgrant@ipdps.org with subject as IPDPS 2025 - STUDENT TRAVEL Query [last name]
The IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP) acts as an international forum to promote parallel processing research and education and participates in setting up technical standards in this area. Issues related to the design, analysis and implementation of parallel systems and solutions are of interest. These include design and analysis of parallel architectures and algorithms, and application development on parallel machines. TCPP sponsors professional meetings, brings out publications, sets guidelines for educational programs, and coordinates academia, funding agency, and industry activities in the above areas.