Srinivas Aluru Named Recipient of the
2025 IEEE Computer Society Charles Babbage Award
For pioneering contributions to the field of Parallel Computational Biology
Established in 2016, the IEEE-CS Charles Babbage Award is now an official IEEE Computer Society Technical Award, to be awarded annually "In Recognition of Significant Contributions in the Field of Parallel Computing." The award is open to all contributors at all stages of their careers. The winner of the award will be someone who has made an outstanding, innovative contribution or contributions to parallel computation. It is hoped, but not required, that the winner will have also contributed to the parallel computation community through teaching, mentoring, or community service.
The IPDPS conference originated in 1986 as an activity of the Orange County (California) Chapter of the IEEE Computer Society Chapter. The founders of the first International Parallel Processing Symposium (IPPS) were primarily engineers from the semiconductor field and academics interested in computer architecture and high performance processing, looking to solve problems of computation through architectural and software innovation.
In 1989, the conference established the Charles Babbage Award to be given each year to a conference participant in recognition of exceptional contributions to the field. It was named for Charles Babbage (26 December 1791 - 18 October 1871), an English mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer who originated the concept of a programmable computer and was considered a "father" of the computer. (Reference: Wikipedia)
In almost all cases, the award was given to one of the invited keynote speakers at the conference. The selection was made by the steering committee chairs, upon recommendation from the Program Chair and General Chair who were responsible for the technical program of the conference, including inviting the speakers. It was presented immediately following the selected speaker's presentation at the conference, and he or she was given a plaque that specified the nature of their special contribution to the field being recognized by IPDPS.
2024 – Frank Cappello
2023 – Keshav Pingali
2022 – DK Panda
2021 – Guy Blelloch
2020 – Yves Robert
2019 – Ian Foster
2017 – Mateo Valero
2015 – Alan Edelman
2014 – Peter Kogge
2013 – James Demmel
2012 – Chris Johnson
2011 – Jack Dongarra
2010 – Burton Smith
2009 – Wen-Mei Hwu
2008 – Joel Saltz
2007 – Mike Flynn
2006 – Bill Dally |
2005 – Yale N. Patt
2004 – Christos Papadimitriou
2003 – Michel Cosnard
2002 – Steve Wallach
2001 – Thomson Leighton
2000 – Michael O. Rabin
1999 – K. Mani Chandy
1998 – Jim Gray
1997 – Frances Allen
1995 – Richard Karp
1994 – Arvind
1993 – Leslie Valiant
1992 – David Kuck
1991 – Harold Stone
1990 – H.T. Kung
1989 – Irving S. Reed |