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IPDPS 2025 PhD Forum

IPDPS 2025 PhD Forum Co- Chair
Sanmukh Kuppannagari, Case Western Reserve University, USA
Ana Lucia Varbanescu, University of Twente and University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

IPDPS 2025 PhD Forum Vice-Chair
Tanwi Malick, Argonne National Laboratory, USA


Will open for submissions on March 10


The IPDPS PhD Forum welcomes current graduate students working toward a PhD in broadly defined areas related to parallel and distributed processing. Previous IPDPS PhD forums have offered graduate students the opportunity to join the conference and present a research poster describing their PhD research to the entire IPDPS conference audience. The poster session is a great opportunity for students to connect to the IPDPS community, to discuss their research with experts in academia and industry, to make useful contacts, and learn about future career opportunities.

IPDPS 2025 in Milano, Italy, will continue with this tradition and feature a dedicated  PhD forum  where participating students will have the opportunity to both present their research work and interact with academic and industry people in an informal setting. In addition, we plan mentoring sessions to help students improve their communication skills, obtain valuable information for career planning, get familiar with trendy research topics, and make valuable contacts – all while enjoying the IPDPS main conference and many associated workshops. The program will culminate with a poster presentation, where students will have the opportunity to showcase their research posters and interact with the broader IPDPS audience.

The goal of the IPDPS PhD Forum is to provide a comprehensive venue and an inspiring program for students to better prepare for their research and career in parallel and distributed computing.

PhD Forum activities will be scheduled so that the participating students can follow all the main scientific and social events of the conference. The PhD Forumit is open for submissions from all students, including authors of papers presented at the conference.

The extended abstracts of the posters accepted for presentation at the PhD Forum will be published as part of the conference workshops proceedings (IPDPSW 2025). The abstracts will be formatted as part of a compendium that includes contact information for the poster authors and advisors.


Applicant students must be officially enrolled in a PhD Program at the time of submission, and each submission MUST be backed by a specific endorsement from the official PhD advisor(s) as specified in item 3 below. Masters students on track to enter a PhD program may apply, but should meet the same standards as other applicants.

1. Applicant Statement of Interest

This statement should include:

  • Short bio.
  • Current research interests.
  • Plan for future research/career.
  • Objectives for participating in the IPDPS PhD Forum.

 The applicant should also answer the following question: How do you expect the interaction with the IPDPS community will further your research/career goals?
The document should not exceed 1 page. 

2. Poster Proposal
This document should include:

  • Title of work and author & advisor(s) names and affiliations.
  • Brief description of work being done, including the problem statement, and the research methodology being used.
  • Progress thus far, results, and planned future steps to complete the solution/work/thesis.

This document forms the core of the extended poster abstract, which will be published upon the student’s admission and participation to the PhD Forum.

This document should not exceed 2 pages.

3. Advisor Statement of Support
The advisor should compose this statement, on institution letterhead, to:

  • Verify the applicant is a full-time PhD student.
  •  Confirm support for applicant’s participation.
  • State the length of time that the student has been supervised by  the advisor writing the letter, as well as the duration of the program and the expected graduation date

The statement is to be submitted by the advisor.
For countries where PhD students are formally employees, “full-time student” should be read as “employed as a full-time PhD student”. 

What/When to Submit

Applicants should prepare a submission document that “concatenates”  items 1 & 2 above. The manuscript cannot exceed three (3) pages using at least 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages with at least 1 inch margins. The document should be submitted as a pdf file. Application submission is done via Linklings, here.

The advisor should email the letter as a link or pdf attachment to and have IPDPS 2025-PhD Forum-[full name of student] as the subject of the email. *


 Submission Dates/Deadlines

Our goal is to accept as many applications as our capacity allows, but the availability of our resources, as well as other screening factors, will limit the number of participants in the program. The applications will reviewed based on the following schedule:

Application received by

Acceptance notice will be sent by





Review of Applications

A selection committee of diverse  experts from the different IPDPS areas of research will review the applications together with the PhD Forum chairs. By submitting an application, the student is making a commitment to prepare and attend the conference in order to  present a poster and participate in the mentoring and networking opportunities afforded by the conference.

Register Today

Early Deadline March 31st
Extended to April 8th

Registration Details

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IPDPS 2024 Report

38th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium
May 27-31, 2024

Hyatt Regency San Francisco
Embarcadero Center
San Francisco, California USA