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Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) to Host IPDPS 2026

June 2024

The IPDPS Steering Committee will consider EOI to host IPDPS 2026. Following the usual IPDPS rotation of locations (twice in the US followed by an international location), IPDPS 2026 event is planned to be held in the US. EOI must be from active researchers, not from conference Management entities. Proposers must have had previous IPDPS experience (for example, participant in the meeting, volunteer at the meeting including serving on the program committee, etc.). Selected EOI will be asked to submit further details and will be advised in its preparation. EOI should be brief (three to five pages) and should contain information on:

  • the site (local infrastructure, hotels to consider that can accommodate IPDPS requirements and travel connections),
  • the organization team (the general chair(s) and key volunteers, their experience in running Major conferences, their prior experience with IPDPS, their research experience in topics of interest to IPDPS). May also suggest program chair candidates, but is not required to do so, and
  • key budget items (including room rates, meeting space cost, etc.).

The steering committee will also discuss and finalize a program chair(s) for the meeting(s). EOI must be self-contained (no external links to shared info.) and submitted in electronic form to Submission deadline: September 1, 2024.

EOI may include, as appendices, brochures or other printed material concerning the locale and conference facilities, if these are available. IEEE will negotiate with the proposed hotel(s) directly. EOI will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Economic viability
  • Academic reputation of key volunteers
  • Level of commitment
  • Transport and accessibility
  • Maintaining a balance between different locations
  • Experience of the organizers in hosting international conferences

IPDPS is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, in all of its activities, and aims to recruit volunteers representative of the diversity of the research community. For information - people, places, and programs - see conference archives.

Register Today

Early Deadline March 31st
Extended to April 8th

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IPDPS 2024 Report

38th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium
May 27-31, 2024

Hyatt Regency San Francisco
Embarcadero Center
San Francisco, California USA