May 18-22, 2020
New Orleans, Louisiana USA
Report on IPDPS 2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 physical meeting was canceled. The decision to cancel the in-person meeting did not impact the publication of the IPDPS 2020 proceedings, and IEEE will be hosting the accepted authors' work on Xplore following the conference.
The conference program of the papers accepted for the main conference as well as all of the papers in the 21 workshops, accompanied by presentation slides from the authors, was available online prior to the conference. All of the workshops were able to conduct a virtual online program in various formats. For details, see the individual web page of the workshops. One hour plenary virtual sessions for the main conference were held as follows.
- Tuesday, May 19: Best paper presentations and Q&A session.
- Wednesday, May 20: Best paper announcement and TCPP public meeting.
- Thursday, May 21: IPDPS Town Hall meeting.
IPDPS 2020 Best Paper Award
Presented during Wednesday Plenary Virtual Session
XSP: Across-Stack Profiling and Analysis of Machine Learning Models on GPUs
Cheng Li and Abdul Dakkak (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Jinjun Xiong (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center), Wei Wei and Lingjie Xu (Alibaba Group), and Wen-mei Hwu (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
2020 IEEE TCPP Outstanding Service Award
Presented during Wednesday Plenary Virtual Session by TCPP Awards Chair, Karen Devine to Prof. Umit Çatalyürek from Georgia Tech
IPDPS 2020 General Co-chairs Closing Message
To say that this was an unusual year would be much more than an understatement. Nevertheless, the essence of IPDPS as a premier conference in the area remains strong, healthy and vibrant. We owe this to the countless people (authors, and many others included) who have silently helped bring the pieces together. In the spirit of a city that came roaring back from the calamity of Katrina, and the rest of us looking to emerge from the COVID-19 situation, we are eager for IPDPS to experience the magic of New Orleans sometime in the near future. For now, we hope that you and your families continue to stay safe and healthy…