May 1st UPDATE
The decision to cancel the in-person meeting did not impact the publication of the IPDPS 2020 proceedings, and IEEE will still be hosting the accepted authors' work on Xplore following the conference dates. All papers accepted for both the main conference and the workshops have been uploaded to be published as part of the proceedings that will be distributed the week before the scheduled conference (18-22 May). The Advance Program details the intended program of paper presentations for both the main conference and the 21 workshops.
The conference is now collecting a presentation file for each paper in the proceedings, and these will be matched with the papers in the online proceedings publication. The presentation files will also include links to additional material like videos or websites. The proceedings publication will be released by May 15th so it is available for any virtual events to be held during the conference week of 18-22 May. Access to this enhanced online publication is at no charge, but requires registration, now available here.
April 15th UPDATE
All papers accepted for both the main conference and the workshops have been uploaded to be published as part of the proceedings that will be distributed the week before the scheduled conference (18-22 May). The online publication will include both papers and static presentations for each paper. Access to the online publication, which will be available 3-4 weeks, is at no charge, but will require registration. Complimentary registration will be available the month of May.
To All IPDPS 2020 Authors
For all papers in the proceedings, we will offer the opportunity to at least include static presentations in the online publication. Instructions to authors for doing this will be posted on our Author Resources page and sent via email. Details to follow in April.
March 19, 2020
The situation surrounding COVID19 has evolved rapidly, and the IPDPS 2020 conference leadership has decided that the most prudent measure is to cancel the physical meeting this year. Fortunately, the decision to cancel the in-person meeting does not impact the publication of the IPDPS 2020 proceedings, and IEEE will still be hosting your work on Xplore. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at