Notice to all IPDPS 2015 Authors:
At least one author of each paper must be registered for the symposium by February 28, 2015 in order for the paper to be published in the proceedings. Presentation of an accepted paper at the conference is a requirement of publication. Any paper that is not presented at the conference will not be included in IEEE Xplore.
Authors of Conference Papers:
The submission deadline for camera-ready papers is February 9, 2015
Authors of IPDPS Workshops:
The submission deadline for camera-ready papers is February 28, 2015 March 7, 2015
The conference proceedings of IPDPS 2015 will be published in two volumes with two separate ISBN's: one for the regular conference technical program (IPDPS) and one for the workshops (IPDPSW). The publication will be available online to all registered attendees throughout the week of the conference. The Conference Publishing Services (CPS) of the IEEE Computer Society will produce the IPDPS 2015 proceedings. Post conference, the two volumes of proceedings will be submitted for inclusion to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. This requires that all papers submitted for publication must meet a minimum standard for both print and electronic publishing.
To help authors meet that standard, this IPDPS Web page will take you to the CPS Author Final Paper Preparation and Submission Instructions (the author kit). DO NOT GO TO EDAS TO SUBMIT FINAL CAMERA READY PAPER.
Before going to CPS Author Kit page, please note carefully the following:
- At least one author of each paper must be registered for the symposium by February 28th in order for the paper to be published in the proceedings. Register here. One registration is valid for one (1) paper. Authors presenting multiple papers may pay an "Additional Paper Fee" of US$200 for each extra paper.
- At the CPS site, under STEP1: Paper Specifications, see where authors may purchase up to two extra pages. If you elect to add extra pages, and the specifications for your paper allow, you may purchase them online (from the IPDPS Registration page).
- Extra Page Fee:
The number of pages for IPDPS 2015 papers must meet the following limits: main conference (10 pages, except Best Papers at 13 pages), all workshops (10 pages, except HCW at 12 pages). Authors in these categories may purchase two (2) additional pages in the proceedings at US$200 per page.
IPDPS AUTHORS (Main Conference)
When you go to the "Author Final Paper Preparation and Submission Instructions" (link below) on the IEEE Computer Society CPS site, at Step 8: Submission, you will be asked to provide a paper ID, which is the EDAS paper number for your original submission.
When you go to the "Author Final Paper Preparation and Submission Instructions" on the IEEE Computer Society CPS site, at Step 8: Submission, you will be asked to supply a paper ID, which will be provided to you by the workshop that accepted your paper. Please, do not attempt to submit without the Paper ID (which includes acronym of workshop plus digits*). Contact the workshop if you have not received the Paper ID by February 28th.
* The Paper ID should be the acronym of the workshop plus two digits. If the Paper ID provided by your workshop does not include the workshop acronym, please add the acronym in front of the number provided by the workshop for your paper when you are registering your paper at Step 8. (To find acronym for your workshop, see IPDPS 2015 Workshops page.)
CPS Final Paper Preparation & Submission Instructions for IPDPSW (Workshops) AUTHORS  |