28th IEEE International Parallel &
Distributed Processing Symposium
May 19-23, 2014
Arizona Grand Resort
Slides from Keynote Speeches Now Available
Babbage Award Presented on Wednesday
- Peter Kogge, University of Notre Dame
In recognition of his many contributions to the evolution of massively
parallel processing architectures
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2014 PhD Forum Poster Awards Announced at Banquet
- Mehmet Deveci (The Ohio State University, USA)
Load Balancing and Task Mapping for Exascale Systems
- Neha Gholkar (North Carolina State University, USA)
Power Constrained Re-balancing for Parallel Applications
- Tong Jin (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA)
Runtime Support for Dynamic Online Data Management and Insight Discovery in Large Scale Coupled Simulation Workflow
- Jie Shen (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
High Performance Computing on Heterogeneous Many-core Platforms
IPDPS Sponsor TCPP Makes Outstanding Service Award
Presented at the IPDPS 2014 banquet to steering committee members Allan Gottlieb and Arnold Rosenberg, this award is given by IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Committee on Parallel Processing. It recognizes an individual or a group of individuals in the broader community who have made major professional service contribution to the parallel, distributed and high-performance computing community.
IPDPS Steering Committee Award: Outstanding Women in Parallel & Distributed Processing
IPDPS 2014 Keynote Speaker Yutong Lu from the National University of Defense Technology, China was selected to receive the first award given by IPDPS to recognize those women whose accomplishments and participation in our community serve to inspire and draw others to this field. It was presented by steering co-chair Viktor K. Prasanna at the Wednesday banquet.
Photographs of Conference Activities