PhD Forum Co-Chairs
Luc Bougé, ENS Cachan, France
Bo Hong, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
The IPDPS PhD Forum focuses on current graduate students working toward a PhD in broadly defined areas related to parallel and distributed processing. This forum at IPDPS 2013 in Boston offers graduate students an opportunity to present a research poster describing their ongoing research to the entire IPDPS conference audience. It is also an opportunity to discuss their research with experts in academia and industry during the conference and to make useful contacts regarding future career opportunities related to their research. Moreover, the authors may describe their dissertation proposal and preliminary results in a short paper, which will be published with the proceedings of the IPDPS Workshops distributed at the conference and available through the IEEE Computer Society Digital Library.
A scientific committee, co-chaired by Prof. Luc Bougé and Prof. Bo Hong, evaluated submissions received in response to the 2013 call for posters. This review committee included volunteers from the main conference program committee who nominated younger colleagues to also participate in the review of the proposals submitted. Twenty-three students have been selected to display a poster describing their dissertation research. The posters in the list available here have been grouped under related conference tracks of algorithms, applications, architecture and software.
Research Projects-Dissertations of PhD Forum Participants - Download PDF 
The posters will go on display at 12 Noon on Tuesday, 21 May in an area close to conference breaks and will be available for viewing until 6:00 PM on Wednesday, at which time all of the students presenters will be on hand to describe their work to conference attendees and answer questions regarding their research. |
Tuesday, 12 Noon through
Wednesday 6:00 PM |
PhD Forum Posters on display near conference break area. |
Wednesday 6:00 to 7:00 PM |
PhD Forum: Students available at Posters for questions & comments (Note: Poster presenters may also be available during breaks and will have contact information at their poster.) |
Wednesday Evening Banquet |
TCPP Best Poster Award to be announced |
Information for PhD Forum Poster Presenters
The posters should be 32x40 inches (or 80x100cm). Student presenters are warmly encouraged to prepare professional rolled up posters, in contrast with a mosaic of small slides to post. The poster should preferably be printed with a high-quality device. The location for hanging your poster will be numbered using your PhD-xx paper id. Push pins will be provided for mounting your poster.
Travel Award Opportunity
Participants in the IPDPS PhD Forum are eligible for TCPP Travel Grants for student authors and are encouraged to apply by the deadline. See application details at the Student Travel webpage. Last year, many of the PhD Forum authors who applied received travel grant support. Note that all student authors must have registered to be eligible for support, and grants are made in the form of reimbursement post-conference.