36th IEEE International Parallel &
Distributed Processing Symposium
May 30 – June 3, 2022
To All IPDPS 2022 Registrants: The video recordings of the conference opening, keynote talks, main track paper sessions, PhD Forum, and most of the workshops are available on demand post conference on the virtual platform. Thank you for attending IPDPS 2022. We hope to see you next year in person!
Report on IPDPS 2022
Excerpt from the Proceedings Message of the 2021 General Co-Chairs:
One year ago, we issued the invitation to the IPDPS community to join us in Lyon to celebrate the return to an in-person event. Our plan was to hold it at our university, giving our students and faculty an opportunity to network with the international members of our community. Our entire team was looking forward to this reunion, and as our technical program developed, we looked forward to sharing our unique venue with all of our colleagues in the IPDPS community.
Alas, as offered by our English-speaking friends, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. So once again our volunteers and the Computer Society support staff switched gears to reorganize IPDPS 2022 to be a fully virtual event. We had hoped to at least conduct a hybrid version, but after a survey of attendees, we determined that we would be able to offer best value by holding a fully virtual conference and using the experience from the two previous years of virtual to the advantage of IPDPS 2022.
With that preface, we are pleased to welcome you to the 36th edition of the IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2022). This is the third year that we are unable to meet up in person, but we are rich with experienced volunteers and staff who have honed their skills in conducting virtual meetings and meet-ups for all purposes. There are many in our community who will be participating as authors and speakers and will bring similar experience to help all of our program elements run smoothly. We have 123 contributed papers to be presented in our main conference along with three keynote speakers whose talks will lead off each day.
This year, the conference will be conducting 24 virtual workshops, a combination of many long-running ones, several relatively new entries, and a few new ones this year. Despite two difficult years of virtual programming, all approached 2022 with enthusiasm, and there were no dropouts. Repeating from last year, the 2022 PhD Forum attracted a robust line up of research projects from students who will be presenting their work in a program that includes a career panel.
Tuesday, May 31st
Challenges and Opportunities in Designing High-Performance and Scalable Middleware for HPC and AI: Past, Present, and Future
Prof. DK Panda, Recipient of the 2022 IEEE Charles Babbage Award
The Ohio State University, USA |

Wednesday, June 1st
Resilience at extreme scale and connections with other domains
Dr. Leonardo Bautista Gomez
Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain |

Thursday, June 2nd
Frugal Decentralized Learning
Prof. Anne-Marie Kermarrec
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
IPDPS 2022 Best Paper Award
- As easy as ABC: Optimal (A)ccountable (B)yzantine (C)onsensus is easy!
Pierre Civit (Sorbonne University), Seth Gilbert (NUS Singapore), Vincent Gramoli (University of Sydney and EPFL), and Rachid Guerraoui and Jovan Komatovic (EPFL)
- See Session 14: Best Paper Candidates here
IPDPS 2022 PhD Forum Poster Awards
- Poster Presentation Winner
A Scalable Multi-Producer, Multi-Consumer Message Queue
Architecture with Speculation for Cross-Core Communication
Qinzhe Wu, University of Texas at Austin, USA
- Poster Presentation Runner-up Award
A General-purpose Kernel for Graph Learning
Md. Khaledur Rahman, Indiana University Bloomington, USA
2022 IEEE TCPP Outstanding Service Award