April 12 - April 16, 1999
Second Merged Symposium IPPS/SPDP 1999
13th International Parallel Processing Symposium & 10th Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing
Condado Plaza Hotel and Casino,
San Juan, Puerto Rico
IPPS/SPDP 1999 will be held at the CONDADO PLAZA in San Juan, Puerto Rico. We apologize for earlier notices which listed the Caribe Hilton as the conference location. This change has been necessitated by the Caribe Hilton's decision to close their hotel on March 21, for major renovations. If you have already reserved a room at the Caribe Hilton, the hotel will make arrangements to transfer your reservation to the Condado Plaza, at the same special rate. You will be notified by the Caribe Hilton about this.
Sponsored by
IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel Processing
In cooperation with:
IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computer Architecture (TCCA),
IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Distributed Processing (TCDP)
Mikhail Atallah
Computer Science Building
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1398
Vox +1 765-494-6017
Fax +1 765-494-0739
Preliminary Advance Program
Call for Participation
Call for Papers
Industrial Track/Exhibits
Author Kit Information
List of Accepted Papers
Registration Form
Hotel Reservation Form
- 21 September 1998 ..... Manuscripts Due
Extended to 26 September 1998
- 14 December 1998 ..... Review Decisions Mailed
- 25 January 1999 ..... Print Ready Paper Due
- 14 August 1998 ..... Workshop Proposals Due
- 16 October 1998 ..... Tutorial Proposals Due
- 30 October 1998 ..... Commercial Exhibit Registration
Extended to 30 November 1998
An HTML version of the Call for Papers is available here .
1999 will mark the 2nd anniversary of the merger of IPPS and SPDP. This united symposium, now referred to as IPPS/SPDP, will follow the format of previous meetings. It continues to serve as a forum for engineers and scientists from around the world to present their latest research findings in the fields of parallel processing and distributed computing. In this second year of conducting a joint program, IPPS/SPDP moves toward achieving an agenda responsive to the combined constituencies of two well-established events.
Sponsored by the TCPP and held in cooperation with ACM SIGARCH as well as the IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committees on Computer Architecture & Distributed Processing, IPPS/SPDP responds to the many topics generated by the intersection of these areas of interest, as well as established topics in each area. In addition to technical sessions of submitted paper presentations and addresses by invited speakers, the expanded agenda of IPPS/SPDP'99 will be explored via panels, workshops, tutorials, an industrial track, and commercial exhibits.
Jose' D.P. Rolim, University of Geneva
Charles Weems, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
John K. Antonio, Texas Tech University