IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium

Technical Committee on
Parallel Processing

IPDPS 2006 Advance Program

Please visit the IPDPS website regularly for any update, since there may be schedule revisions. Authors who have corrections, contact

Print the Advanced Program

DAYS TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday

all day*

* See each individual workshop programs for schedule details

1 HCW Heterogeneous Computing Workshop
2 WPDRTS Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems
3 RAW Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop
4 HIPS Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models & Supportive Environments
5 JAVAPDC Java for Parallel and Distributed Computing Workshop
6 NIDISC Workshop on Nature Inspired Distributed Computing
7 HiCOMB Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology
8 APDCM Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computing Models
9 CAC Communication Architecture for Clusters
10 NSFNGS NSF Next Generation Software Program
Agenda | Abstract
Email Frederica Darema,
11 HPPAC High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing
Evening TCPP Membership Reception
Tuesday Evening, 25 April
Speaker: Randy Moulic
IBM TJ Watson Research Center
Read complete details
DAYS TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday
Plenary Session
Manish Gupta
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Massively Parallel Systems: Ready or Not, Here They Come
9:30-10:00 Break

Plenary Session

Plenary Session: Best Paper
Session Chair: Arny Rosenberg

On Collaborative Content Distribution using Multi-Message Gossip
Y. Fernandess (Hebrew U. Jerusalem, Israel),
D. Malkhi (Hebrew U. Jerusalem, Israel, and Microsoft Research, USA)

Assembling Genomes on Large-Scale Parallel Computers
A. Kalyanaraman (Iowa State U., USA),
S.J. Emrich (Iowa State U., USA),
P.S. Schnable (Iowa State U., USA),
S. Aluru (Iowa State U., USA)

Quantifying and Reducing the Effects of Wrong-Path Memory References in Cache-Coherent Multiprocessor Systems
R. Sendag (U. Rhode Island, USA),
A. Yilmazer (U. Rhode Island, USA),
J.J. Yi (Freescale Corp., USA),
A.K. Uht (U. Rhode Island, USA)

Making Lockless Synchronization Fast: Performance Implications of
Memory Reclamation

T.E. Hart (U. Toronto, Canada),
P.E. McKenney (IBM Beaverton, USA),
A.D. Brown (U. Toronto, Canada)

12:00-1:30 Lunch


Session Chair: Emmanuel Jeannot

Centralized Versus Distributed Schedulers for Multiple Bag-of-Task Applications
O. Beaumont (CNRS Bordeaux, France),
L. Carter (U. California San Diego, USA),
J. Ferrante (U. California San Diego, USA),
A. Legrand (CNRS-INRIA Grenoble, France),
L. Marchal (CNRS-INRIA, ENS-Lyon, France),
Y. Robert (CNRS-INRIA, ENS-Lyon, France)

A Strategyproof Mechanism for Scheduling Divisible Loads in Tree Networks
T.E. Carroll (Wayne State U., USA),
D. Grosu (Wayne State U., USA)

Instability in Parallel Job Scheduling Simulation: The Role of Workload Flurries
D. Tsafrir (Hebrew U., Israel),
D.G. Feitelson (Hebrew U., Israel)

Flexible Tardiness Bounds for Sporadic Real-Time Task Systems on Multiprocessors
U.C. Devi (U. North Carolina Chapel Hill, USA),
J.H. Anderson (U. North Carolina Chapel Hill, USA)

Session 2: P2P and GRID COMPUTING, 1
Session Chair: Gagan Agrawal

Ad-hoc Distributed Spatial Joins on Mobile Devices
P. Kalnis (Natl. U. Singapore, Singapore),
N. Mamoulis (U. Hong Kong, Hong Kong),
S. Bakiras (Hong Kong U. Science and Technology, Hong Kong),
X. Li (National U. Singapore, Singapore)

WaveGrid: A Scalable Fast-Turnaround Heterogeneous Peer-Based Desktop Grid System
D. Zhou (U. Oregon, USA)
V. Lo (U. Oregon, USA)

Trust Overlay Networks for Global Reputation Aggregation in P2P Grid Computing
R. Zhou (U. Southern California, USA),
K. Hwang (U. Southern California, USA)

An Adaptive Stabilization Framework for Distributed Hash Tables
G. Ghinita (National U. Singapore),
Y.M. Teo (National U. Singapore)

Session Chair: Guang Gao

Enhancing L2 Organization for CMPs with a Center Cell
C. Liu (Pennsylvania State U., USA),
A. Sivasubramaniam (Pennsylvania State U., USA),
M. Kandemir (Pennsylvania State U., USA),
M.J. Irwin (Pennsylvania State U., USA)

Improving Cache Locality for Thread-Level Speculation
S. Fung (U. Toronto, Canada),
J.G. Steffan (U. Toronto, Canada)

On the Effectiveness of Speculative and Selective Memory Fences
O. Trachsel (ETH Zurich, Switzerland),
C. von Praun (ETH Zurich, Switzerland),
T.R. Gross (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

Exploiting Locality: A Flexible DSM Approach
H.E. Zeffer (Uppsala U., Sweden),
Z. Radovic (Uppsala U., Sweden),
E. Hagersten (Uppsala U., Sweden)

Session Chair: TBA

On Consistency Maintenance in Service Discovery
V. Sundramoorthy (U. Twente, The Netherlands),
P.H. Hartel (U. Twente, The Netherlands),
J. Scholten (U. Twente, The Netherlands)

Evaluation of UDDI as a Provider of Resource Discovery Services for OGSA-Based Grids
E. Benson (U. Virginia, USA),
G. Wasson (U. Virginia, USA),
M. Humphrey (U. Virginia, USA)

Monitoring Remotely Executing Shared Memory Programs in Software DSMs
L. Fei (Purdue U., USA),
X. Fang (Purdue U., USA),
Y.C. Hu (Purdue U., USA),
S.P. Midkiff (Purdue U., USA)

A Segment-Based DSM Supporting Large Shared Object Space
B.W.L. Cheung (U. Hong Kong, Hong Kong),
C.L. Wang (U. Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

3:30-4:00 Break



Session 5: HASHING
Session Chair: Alfredo Ferro

D1HT: A Distributed One Hop Hash Table
L.R. Monnerat (Petrobras, Brazil),
C.L. Amorim (Federal U. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Hash-Based Proximity Clustering for Load Balancing in Heterogeneous DHT Networks
C. Xu (Wayne State U., USA),
H. Shen (Wayne State U., USA)

DiST: Fully Decentralized Indexing for Querying Distributed Multidimensional Datasets
B. Nam (U. Maryland, USA),
A. Sussman (U. Maryland, USA)

Session Chair: Sushil K. Prasad

Distributed Coloring with O(sqrt{log n}) bits
K. Kothapalli (Johns Hopkins U., USA),
M. Onus (Arizona State U., USA),
C. Scheideler (Johns Hopkins U., USA),
C. Schindelhauer (U. Paderborn, Germany)

Distributed Algorithm for a Color Assignment on Asynchronous Rings
G. De Marco (U. Salerno, Italy),
M. Leoncini (U. Modena e Reggio Emilia and IIT-CNR, Italy),
M. Montangero (U. Modena e Reggio Emilia and IIT-CNR, Italy)

On the Packing of Selfish Items
V. Bilo (U. Lecce, Italy)

GPU-BiSort: Optimal Parallel Sorting on Stream Architectures
A. Gress (U. Bonn, Germany),
G. Zachmann (Clausthal U. Technology, Germany)

Session 7: P2P and GRID COMPUTING, 2
Session Chair: Albert Zomaya

An Authentication Protocol in Web-Computing
S. Wong (U. Massachusetts Amherst, USA)

IP over P2P: Enabling Self-Configuring Virtual IP Networks for Grid Computing
A. Ganguly (U. Florida, USA),
A. Agrawal (U. Florida, USA),
P.O. Boykin (U. Florida, USA),
R.J. Figueiredo (U. Florida, USA)

Efficient Client-to-Server Assignments for Distributed Virtual Environments
D.N.B. Ta (Nanyang Technological U., Singapore),
S. Zhou (Nanyang Technological U., Singapore)

Session Chair: Dean Tullsen

Exploiting Dataflow to Extract Java Instruction Level Parallelism on a Tag-Based Multi-Issue Semi In-Order (TMSI) Processor
H.C. Wang (Natl. U. Singapore),
C.K. Yuen (Natl. U. Singapore)

SAMIE-LSQ: Set-Associative Multiple-Instruction Entry Load/Store Queue
J. Abella (Intel & UPC, Spain),
A. Gonzalez (Intel & UPC, Spain)

Birds of a Feather Session
Massively Parallel Processing on a Chip
With multi-core chips already entering the market, it is foreseeable that chips with a large number of processing cores will emerge in response to the demand for extremely high performance in mobile and embedded devices, and in response to the convergence of communication-, media and compute devices. It is our contention that a workshop for discussing and presenting ideas on hardware, architecture, software and programmability, and applications of such highly parallel multi-core architectures is timely and could be very productive for the coming years. Thus, we would like to take the opportunity to see whether there is interest  in organizing such a workshop with next years IPDPS.
DAYS TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday

Plenary Session

Yves Robert
LIP Laboratory - CNRS/ENS Lyon

Static Scheduling for Large-Scale Platforms: Can One Hope for Efficiency?
9:30-10:00 Break



Session Chair: Nikos P. Chrisochoides

A New Analytical Method for Parallel, Diffusion-type Load Balancing
P. Berenbrink (Simon Fraser U., Canada),
T. Friedetzky (Durham U., UK),
Z. Hu (Simon Fraser U., Canada)

Load Balancing in the Presence of Random Node Failure and Recovery
S. Dhakal (U. New Mexico, USA),
M.M. Hayat (U. New Mexico, USA),
J.E. Pezoa (U. New Mexico, USA),
C.T. Abdallah (U. New Mexico, USA),
J.D. Birdwell (U. Tennessee, USA),
J. Chiasson (U. Tennessee, USA)

Dynamic Structured Partitioning for Parallel Scientific Applications with Pointwise Varying Workloads
S. Chandra (Rutgers U., USA),
M. Parashar (Rutgers U., USA),
J. Ray (Sandia National Labs., USA)

Accelerating Shape Optimizing Load Balancing for Parallel FEM Simulations by Algebraic Multigrid
H. Meyerhenke (U. Paderborn, Germany),
B. Monien (U. Paderborn, Germany),
S. Schamberger (U. Paderborn, Germany)

Session Chair: Subhash Saini

Parallelization and Performance Characterization of Protein 3D Structure Prediction of Rosetta
W.L. Li (Intel China Research Ctr.),
T. Wang (Intel China Research Ctr.),
E. Li (Intel China Research Ctr.),
D. Baker (Washington U., USA),
L. Jin (Intel China Research Ctr.),
S. Ge (Intel China Research Ctr.),
Y.R. Chen (Intel China Research Ctr.),
Y.M. Zhang (Intel China Research Ctr.)

Grid Solutions for Biological and Physical Cross-Site Simulations on the TeraGrid
S. Dong (Brown U., USA),
N.T. Karonis (Northern Illinois U. and Argonne Natl. Lab., USA),
G.E. Karniadakis (Brown U., USA)

Achieving Strong Scaling with NAMD on Blue Gene/L
S. Kumar (IBM Watson Research Ctr., USA),
C. Huang (U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA),
G. Almasi (IBM Watson Research Ctr., USA),
L.V. Kale (U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA)

Parallel ICA Methods for EEG Neuroimaging
D.B. Keith (U. Oregon, USA),
C.C. Hoge (U. Oregon, USA),
R.M. Frank (U. Oregon, USA),
A.D. Malony (U. Oregon, USA)

Session Chair: Neil Pundit

Early Evaluation of the Cray XT3
J.S. Vetter (Oak Ridge Natl. Lab., USA),
S.R. Alam (Oak Ridge Natl. Lab., USA),
T.H. Dunigan, Jr. (U. Tennessee, USA),
M.R. Fahey (Oak Ridge Natl. Lab., USA),
P.C. Roth (Oak Ridge Natl. Lab., USA),
P.H. Worley (Oak Ridge Natl. Lab., USA)

A Study of the On-Chip Interconnection Network for the IBM Cyclops64 Multi-Core Architecture
Y. Zhang (U. Delaware, USA),
T. Jeong (U. Delaware, USA),
F. Chen (U. Delaware, USA),
R. Nitzsche (Chemnitz U. Technology, Germany),
G. Gao (U. Delaware, USA)

A Performance Model for Fine-Grain Accesses in UPC
Z. Zhang (Michigan Technological U., USA),
S. Seidel (Michigan Technological U., USA)

Analytical Performance Modelling of Adaptive Wormhole Routing in the Star Interconnection Network
A.E. Kiasari (Sharif U. Technology, Iran and IPM School of Computer Science, Iran),
H. Sarbazi-Azad (IPM School of Computer Science, Iran and Sharif U. Technology, Iran),
M. Ould-Khaoua (U. Glasgow, UK)

Session 12: INPUT/OUTPUT
Session Chair: Srinivas Aluru

Bitmap Indexes for Large Scientific Data Sets: A Case Study
R.R. Sinha (U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA),
S. Mitra (U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA),
M. Winslett (U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA)

MPI-IO/L: Efficient Remote I/O for MPI-IO via Logistical Networking
J. Lee (Argonne Natl. Lab., USA),
R. Ross (Argonne Natl. Lab., USA),
S. Atchley (Myricom, Inc., USA),
M. Beck (U. Tennessee, USA),
R. Thakur (Argonne Natl. Lab., USA)

Evaluating I/O Characteristics and Methods for Storing Structured Scientific Data
A. Ching (Northwestern U., USA),
A. Choudhary (Northwestern U., USA),
W.K. Liao (Northwestern U., USA),
L. Ward (Sandia Natl. Labs., USA),
N. Pundit (Sandia Natl. Labs., USA)

Dual-Layered File Cache on cc-Numa System
Y.C. Zhou (Chinese Acad. Sciences, China),
D. Meng (Chinese Acad. Sciences, China),
J. Ma (Chinese Acad. Sciences, China)

12:00-1:30 Lunch

Sessions 13-16

Session 13: SCHEDULING, 2
Session Chair: Marios Papaefthymiou

Dynamic Multi Phase Scheduling for Heterogeneous Clusters
F.M. Ciorba (Natl. Technical U. Athens, Greece),
T. Andronikos (Natl. Technical U. Athens, Greece),
I. Riakiotakis (Natl. Technical U. Athens, Greece),
A. Chronopoulos (U. Texas San Antonio, USA),
G. Papakonstantinou (Natl. Technical U. Athens, Greece)

Using Virtual Grids to Simplify Application Scheduling
R. Huang (U. California San Diego, USA),
H. Casanova (U. Hawaii Manoa, USA),
A.A. Chien (U. California San Diego, USA)

Enhancing Downlink Performance in Wireless Networks by Simultaneous Multiple Packet Transmission
Z. Zhang (State U. New York Stony Brook, USA),
Y. Yang (State U. New York Stony Brook, USA)

Real-Time Task Mapping and Scheduling for Collaborative In-Network Processing in DVS-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks
Y. Tian (Ohio State U., USA),
J. Boangoat (Ohio State U., USA),
E. Ekici (Ohio State U., USA),
F. Ozguner (Ohio State U., USA)

Session Chair: Manish Parashar

Supporting Self-Adaptation in Streaming Data Mining Applications
L. Chen (Ohio State U., USA),
G. Agrawal (Ohio State U., USA)

Distributed Antipole Clustering for Efficient Data Search and Management in Euclidean and Metric Spaces
A. Ferro (U. of Catania, Italy),
R. Giugno (U. of Catania, Italy),
M. Mongiovi (U. of Catania, Italy),
G. Pigola (U. of Catania, Italy),
A. Pulvirenti (U. of Catania, Italy)

Exploiting Programmable Network Interfaces for Parallel Query Execution in Workstation Clusters
V.S. Kumar (Indian Inst. Science Bangalore, India),
M.J. Thazhuthaveetil (Indian Inst. Science Bangalore, India),
R. Govindarajan (Indian Inst. Science Bangalore, India)

Design and Analysis of Multi-dimensional Sampling Service for Large Scale Data Analysis Applications
X. Zhang (Ohio State U., USA),
T. Kurc (Ohio State U., USA),
J. Saltz (Ohio State U., USA),
S. Parthasarathy (Ohio State U., USA)

Session Chair: Mary Jane Irwin

Parallel Algorithms for Inductance Extraction of VLSI Circuits
H. Mahawar (Texas A&M U., USA),
V. Sarin (Texas A&M U., USA)

Leakage-Aware Multiprocessor Scheduling for Low Power
P. de Langen (Delft U. Technology, The Netherlands),
B. Juurlink (Delft U. Technology, The Netherlands)

A Dependable Infrastructure of the Electric Network for E-textiles
N.G. Zheng (Zhejiang U., China),
Z.H. Wu (Zhejiang U., China),
M. Lin (St. Francis Xavier U., Canada),
M.D. Zhao (Zhejiang U., China)

Battery-Aware Router Scheduling in Wireless Mesh Networks
C. Ma (State U. New York Stony Brook, USA),
Z. Zhang (State U. New York Stony Brook, USA),
Y. Yang (State U. New York Stony Brook, USA)

Session Chair: Manish Gupta

Optimizing Bandwidth Limited Problems Using One-Sided Communication and Overlap
C. Bell (U. California Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Lab., USA),
D. Bonachea (U. California Berkeley, USA),
R. Nishtala (U. California Berkeley, USA),
K.A. Yelick (U. California Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Lab., USA)

Performance Analysis of Parallel Programs via Message-Passing Graph Traversal
M.J. Sottile (Los Alamos Natl. Lab., USA),
V.P. Chandu (Georgia Inst. Technology, USA),
D.A. Bader (Georgia Inst. Technology, USA)

A Compiler-Based Communication Analysis Approach for Multiprocessor Systems
S. Shao (U. Pittsburgh, USA),
A.K. Jones (U. Pittsburgh, USA),
R. Melhem (U. Pittsburgh, USA)

A Code Motion Technique for Accelerating General-Purpose Computation on the GPU
T. Ikeda (Osaka U., Japan),
F. Ino (Osaka U., Japan),
K. Hagihara (Osaka U., Japan)

3:30-4:00 Break

Sessions 17-20

Session Chair: Allan Gottlieb

A Distributed Paging RAM Grid System for Wide-Area Memory Sharing
R. Chu (NUDT, Chang Sha, China),
N. Xiao (NUDT, Chang Sha, China),
Y. Zhuang (HKUST, Hong Kong),
Y. Liu (HKUST, Hong Kong),
X. Lu (NUDT, Chang Sha, China)

Detecting Phases in Parallel Applications on Shared Memory Architectures
E. Perelman (U. California San Diego, USA),
M. Polito (Intel, USA),
J.-Y. Bouguet (Intel, USA),
J. Sampson (U. California San Diego, USA),
B. Calder (U. California San Diego, USA),
C. Dulong (Intel, USA)

Coterminous Locality and Coterminous Group Data Prefetching on Chip-Multiprocessors
X. Shi (U. Florida, USA),
Z. Yang (U. Florida, USA),
J.-K. Peir (U. Florida, USA),
L. Peng (Louisiana State U., USA),
Y.K. Chen (Intel Research, USA),
V. Lee (Intel Research, USA),
B. Liang (Intel Research, USA)

Session Chair: Paul Spirakis

Concurrent Counting is Harder than Queuing
C. Busch (Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., USA),
S. Tirthapura (Iowa State U., USA)

Relationships between Communication Models in Networks Using Atomic Registers
L. Higham (U. Calgary, Canada),
C. Johnen (LRI-CNRS, U. Paris-Sud, France)

RAPID: An End-System Aware Protocol for Intelligent Data-Transfer over LambdaGrids
A. Banerjee (U. California Davis, USA),
W. Feng (Virginia Tech, US),
D. Ghosal (U. California Davis, USA),
B. Mukherjee (U. California Davis, USA)

Session Chair: TBA

The Interleaved Authentication for Filtering False Reports in Multipath Routing based Sensor Networks
Y. Zhang (U. Pittsburgh, USA),
J. Yang (U. California Riverside, USA),
H.T. Vu (U. Texas-Dallas, USA)

Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for 1-Adaptivity
J. Beauquier (U. Paris-Sud, France),
S. Delaet (U. Paris-Sud, France),
S. Haddad (U. Paris-Sud, France)

A Proactive Fault-Detection Mechanism in Large-Scale Cluster Systems
L. Wu (Chinese Acad. Sciences, China),
D. Meng (Chinese Acad. Sciences, China),
W. Gao (Chinese Acad. Sciences, China),
J. Zhan (Chinese Acad. Sciences, China)

Algorithm-Based Checkpoint-Free Fault Tolerance for Parallel Matrix Computations on Volatile Resources
Z. Chen (U. Tennessee, USA),
J.J. Dongarra (U. Tennessee and Oak Ridge Natl. Lab., US)

Session 20: MPI
Session Chair: Jeffrey S. Vetter

Collective Operations in NEC's High-Performance MPI Libraries
H. Ritzdorf (NEC Europe, Germany),
J. Traeff (NEC Europe, Germany)

Infiniband Scalability in Open MPI
G. Shipman (U. New Mexico, USA),
T. Woodall (Los Alamos Natl. Lab., USA),
R. Graham (Los Alamos Natl. Lab., USA),
A. Maccabe (U. New Mexico, USA),
P. Bridges (U. New Mexico, USA)

Shared Receive Queue Based Scalable MPI Design for InfiniBand Clusters
S. Sur (Ohio State U., USA),
L. Chai (Ohio State U., USA),
H.-W. Jin (Ohio State U., USA),
D.K. Panda (Ohio State U., USA)

Executing MPI Programs on Virtual Machines in an Internet Sharing System
Z. Pan (Purdue U., USA),
X. Ren (Purdue U., USA),
R. Eigenmann (Purdue U., USA),
D. Xu (Purdue U., USA)

Adaptive Connection Management for Scalable MPI over InfiniBand
W. Yu (Ohio State U., USA),
Q. Gao (Ohio State U., USA),
D.K. Panda (Ohio State U., USA)

IPDPS Banquet
Bill Dally, Stanford University
Challenges and Opportunities for Parallel Computing
FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2006
DAYS TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday
Plenary Session
Horst D. Simon
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Progress in Supercomputing: The Top Three Breakthroughs of the Last 20 Years and the Top Three Challenges for the Next 20 Years
9:30-10:00 Break

Sessions 21-24

Session 21: ROUTING
Session Chair: George Karypis

An Integrated Approach for Density Control and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
I.G. Siqueira (Federal U. Minas Gerais, Brazil),
C.M.S. Figueiredo (Federal U. Minas Gerais and FUCAPI Research and
Technological Innovation Ctr., Brazil), Brazil),
A.A.F. Loureiro (Federal U. Minas Gerais, Brazil),
J.M.S. Nogueira (Federal U. Minas Gerais, Brazil)
L.B. Ruiz (Federal U. Minas Gerais, Brazil)

A Distributed Method for Dynamic Resolution of BGP Oscillations
E. Ahronovitz (U. Montpellier 2, France),
J-C. Koenig (U. Montpellier 2, France),
C. Saad (U. Montpellier 2, France)

Segment-Based Routing: An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm for Meshes and Tori
A. Mejia (U. Politecnica de Valencia, Spain),
J. Flich (U. Politecnica de Valencia, Spain),
J. Duato (U. Politecnica de Valencia, Spain),
S.A. Reinemo (Simula Research Lab., Norway),
T. Skeie (Simula Research Lab., Norway)

Network Uncertainty in Selfish Routing
C. Georgiou (U. Cyprus, Cyprus),
T. Pavlides (U. Cyprus, Cyprus),
A. Philippou (U. Cyprus, Cyprus)

Session Chair: TBA

MPEG-2 in a Stream Programming Language
M. Drake (MIT, USA),
H. Hoffmann (MIT, USA),
R. Rabbah (MIT, USA),
S. Amarasinghe (MIT, USA)

An Efficient and Scalable Parallel Algorithm for Out-of-Core Isosurface Extraction and Rendering
Q. Wang (U. Maryland, USA),
J. JaJa (U. Maryland, USA),
A. Varshney (U. Maryland, USA)

Parallel Morphological Processing of Hyperspectral Image Data on Heterogeneous Networks of Computers
A. Plaza (U. Extremadura, Spain)

Acceleration of a Content Based Image Retrieval Application on the RDISK Cluster
A. Noumsi (IRISA/U. Douala, France),
S. Derrien (IRISA/U. Rennes 1, France),
P. Quinton (IRISA/ENS Cachan, France)

Session Chair: TBA

Parallel FPGA-Based All-Pairs Shortest-Paths in a Directed Graph
U. Bondhugula (Ohio State U., USA),
A. Devulapalli (Ohio Supercomputer Ctr., USA),
J. Fernando (Ohio Supercomputer Ctr., USA),
P. Wyckoff (Ohio Supercomputer Ctr., USA),
P. Sadayappan (Ohio State U., USA)

Design flow for Optimizing Performance in Processor Systems with On-Chip Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Logic
M.D. Galanis (U. Patras, Greece),
G. Dimitroulakos (U. Patras, Greece),
C.E. Goutis (U. Patras, Greece)

Exploring the Design Space of an Optimized Compiler Approach for Mesh-Like Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures
G. Dimitroulakos (U. Patras, Greece),
M.D. Galanis (U. Patras, Greece),
C.E. Goutis (U. Patras, Greece)

Empowering a Helper Cluster through Data-Width Aware Instruction Selection Policies
O.S. Unsal (Intel Research Ctr. and U. Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain),
O. Ergin (TOBB U. Economics and Technology, Turkey),
X. Vera (Intel Research Ctr. and U. Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain),
A. Gonzalez (Intel Research Ctr. and U. Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)

Session Chair: Jesper Larsson Traeff

Algorithmic Skeletons for Stream Programming in Embedded Heterogeneous Parallel Image Processing
W. Caarls (Delft U. Technology, The Netherlands),
P. Jonker (Delft U. Technology, The Netherlands),
H. Corporaal (Technical U. Eindhoven, The Netherlands)

Incrementally Developing Parallel Applications with AspectJ
J.L. Sobral (U. Minho, Portugal)

Auto-Pipe and the X Language: A Pipeline Design Tool and Description Language
M.A. Franklin (Washington U., USA),
E.J. Tyson (Washington U., USA),
J. Buckley (Washington U., USA),
P. Crowley (Washington U., USA),
J. Maschmeyer (Washington U., USA)

Enabling Efficient and Flexible Coupling of Parallel Scientific Applications
L. Zhang (Rutgers U., USA),
M. Parashar (Rutgers U., USA)

12:00-1:30 Lunch

Sessions 25-28

Session Chair: Mike Atallah

Skewed Allocation of Non-Uniform Data for Broadcasting over Multiple Channels
A.A. Bertossi (U. Bologna, Italy),
M.C. Pinotti (U. Perugia, Italy)

Comparative Study of Price-Based Resource Allocation Algorithms for Ad Hoc Networks
M. Loehi (Linkoeping U., Sweden),
S. Nadjm-Tehrani (Linkoeping U., Sweden),
C. Curescu (Linkoeping U., Sweden)

Oblivious Parallel Probabilistic Channel Utilization without Control Channels
C. Schindelhauer (U. Paderborn, Germany),
K. Voss (U. Paderborn, Germany)

Non-Cooperative, Semi-Cooperative, and Cooperative Games-Based Grid Resource Allocation
S.U. Khan (U. Texas Arlington, USA),
I. Ahmad (U. Texas Arlington, USA)

Session Chair: Elena Karatza

Parallel Hypergraph Partitioning for Scientific Computing
K.D. Devine (Sandia National Labs., USA),
E.G. Boman (Sandia National Labs., USA),
R.T. Heaphy (Sandia National Labs., USA),
R. Bisseling (Utrecht U., The Netherlands),
U.V. Catalyurek (Ohio State U., USA)

Multilevel Algorithms for Partitioning Power-Law Graphs
A. Abou-Rjeili (U. Minnesota, USA),
G. Karypis (U. Minnesota, USA)

Effective Out-of-Core Parallel Delaunay Mesh Refinement Using Off-the-Shelf Software
A. Kot (Coll. William and Mary, USA),
A.N. Chernikov (Coll. William and Mary, USA),
N.P. Chrisochoides (Coll. William and Mary, USA)

Fast Distributed Graph Partition and Application
B. Derbel (U. Bordeaux 1, France),
M. Mohamed (U. Bordeaux 1, France),
A. Zemmari (U. Bordeaux 1, France)

Session Chair: Olivier Beaumont

Application-Oriented Adaptive MPI_Bcast for Grids
R. Gupta (Indian Inst. Science Bangalore, India),
S. Vadhiyar (Indian Inst. Science Bangalore, India)

Pipelined Broadcast on Ethernet Switched Clusters
P. Patarasuk (Florida State U., USA),
A. Faraj (Florida State U., USA),
X. Yuan (Florida State U., USA)

k-Anycast Routing Schemes for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
B. Wu (Florida Atlantic U., USA),
J. Wu (Florida Atlantic U., USA)

DVoDP2P: Distributed P2P Assisted Multicast VoD Architecture
X.Y. Yang (U. Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain),
P. Hernandez (U. Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain),
F. Cores (U. Lleida, Spain),
L. Souza (U. Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain),
A. Ripoll (U. Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain),
R. Suppi (U. Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain),
E. Luque (U. Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain)

Session Chair: Sotiris Nikoletseas

Composite Abortable Locks
V.J. Marathe (Sun Microsystems Labs. and U. Rochester, USA),
M. Moir (Sun Microsystems Labs., USA),
N. Shavit (Sun Microsystems Labs., USA)

Cooperative Checkpointing Theory
A.J. Oliner (Stanford U., USA),
L. Rudolph (MIT, USA),
R.K. Sahoo (IBM Watson Research Ctr., USA)

Structural and Algorithmic Issues of Dynamic Protocol Update
O. Ruetti (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland),
P.T. Wojciechowski (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland),
A. Schiper (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland)

On Efficient Distributed Deadlock Avoidance for Real-Time and Embedded Systems
C. Sanchez (Stanford U., USA),
H.B. Sipma (Stanford U., USA),
Z. Manna (Stanford U., USA),
V. Subramonian (Washington U., USA),
C. Gill (Washington U., USA)

3:30-4:00 Break

Sessions 29-32

Session Chair: TBA

A Dynamic Firing Speculation to Speedup Distributed Symbolic State-space Generation
M.-Y. Chung (U. California Riverside, USA),
G. Ciardo (U. California Riverside, USA)

Parallelizing Post-Placement Timing Optimization
J. Kim (U. Michigan, USA),
M. Papaefthymiou (U. Michigan, USA),
J.L. Neves (IBM Server Group, USA)

Sim-X: Parallel System Software for Interactive Multi-Experiment Computational Studies
S. Yau (New York U., USA),
E. Grinspun (Columbia U., USA),
V. Karamcheti (New York U., USA),
D. Zorin (New York U., USA)

Session Chair: TBA

Exploiting Unbalanced Thread Scheduling for Energy and Performance on a CMP of SMT Processors
M.D. DeVuyst (U. California San Diego, USA),
R. Kumar (U. California San Diego, USA),
D.M. Tullsen (U. California San Diego, USA)

Helper Thread Prefetching for Loosely-Coupled Multiprocessor Systems
C. Jung (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Inst., Korea),
D. Lim (U. California San Diego, USA),
J. Lee (Seoul National U., Korea),
Y. Solihin (North Carolina State U., USA)

Compatible Phase Co-Scheduling on a CMP of Multi-Threaded Processors
A. El-Moursy (Intel, USA),
R. Garg (Intel, USA),
S. Dwarkadas (U. Rochester, USA),
D.H. Albonesi (Cornell U., USA)

Compiler Assisted Dynamic Management of Registers for Network Processors
R. Collins (Georgia Inst. Technology, USA),
F. Alegre (Georgia Inst. Technology, USA),
X. Zhuang (Georgia Inst. Technology, USA),
S. Pande (Georgia Inst. Technology, USA)

Session Chair: TBA

Selecting the Tile Shape to Reduce the Total Communication Volume
N. Drosinos (Natl. Technical U., Greece),
G. Goumas (Natl. Technical U., Greece),
N. Koziris (Natl. Technical U., Greece)

Application Classification through Monitoring and Learning of Resource Consumption Patterns
J. Zhang (U. Florida, USA),
R.J. Figueiredo (U. Florida, USA)

Topology-Aware Task Mapping for Reducing Communication Contention on Large Parallel Machines
T. Agarwal (Microsoft, USA),
A. Sharma (U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA),
L.V. Kale (U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA)

Session Chair: Xian-He Sun

A Virtual Network (ViNe) Architecture for Grid Computing
M. Tsugawa (U. Florida, USA),
J.A.B. Fortes (U. Florida, USA)

Wire-Speed Total Order
T. Anker (Hebrew U., Israel),
D. Dolev (Hebrew U., Israel),
G. Greenman (Hebrew U., Israel),
I. Shnaiderman (Hebrew U., Israel)

Free Network Measurement for Adaptive Virtualized Distributed Computing
A. Gupta (Northwestern U., USA),
M.A. Zangrilli (Coll. William and Mary, USA),
A.I. Sundararaj (Northwestern U., USA),
A.I. Huang (Coll. William and Mary, USA),
P.A. Dinda (Northwestern U., USA),
B.B. Lowekamp (Coll. William and Mary, USA)

A Design of Overlay Anonymous Multicast Protocol
L. Xiao (Michigan State U., USA),
X. Liu (Michigan State U., USA),
W. Gu (Ohio State U., USA),
D. Xuan (Ohio State U., USA),
Y. Liu (Hong Kong U. Science and Technology, Hong Kong)

Birds of a Feather Session
Realtime Multiprocessor Linux
Click here for complete details
DAYS TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday

all day*

* See each individual workshop programs for schedule details
12 PDSEC Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing
13 PMEO Performance Modelling, Evaluation, and Optimisation of Parallel and Distributed Systems
14 HPGC High Performance Grid Computing
15 DPDNS Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems
16 SSN International Workshop on Security in Systems and Networks
17 SMTPS Workshop on System Management Tools for Large-Scale Parallel Systems
18 HOTP2P International Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer-to-Peer Systems
19 POHLL Workshop on Performance Optimization for High-Level Languages and Libraries

IPDPS 2006 was a fantastic success & we look forward to seeing you in 2007. The 2007 Call for Papers will be posted shortly.

In the mean time, please download the slides presented by the TCPP Reception Speaker, Randy Moulic from the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center.
Register for IPDPS 2006 Online


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