[IPDPS] [PAISE2021] Call for Papers: 3rd Workshop on Parallel AI and Systems for the Edge (co-conducted with IPDPS 2021)

Sankaran, Rajesh rajesh at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Dec 21 18:40:17 UTC 2020

PAISE 2021: 3rd Workshop on Parallel AI and Systems for the Edge
co-conducted with IPDPS 2021 on May 21st, 2021, at Portland, Oregon USA.

Applications involving voluminous data but needing low-latency computation and local feedback require that the
computing be performed as close to the data source as possible - often at the interface to the physical world.
Given the growth in such application scenarios and the recent advances in computing hardware, algorithms and techniques,
machine learning and inference at the edge are unfolding and growing at a rapid pace. The resulting diversity in edge-
computing hardware and software framework in terms of capabilities, architectures, and programming models poses
several new challenges. The goal of this workshop is to gather the community working in three broad areas: processing
- artificial intelligence, computer vision, machine learning, management - parallel and distributed programming models
for resource-constrained and domain-specific hardware, containers, remote resource management, DevOps, runtime-
system design and cyber-security, and hardware - systems and devices conducive to use in resource-constrained
(energy, space, etc.) applications.


We welcome original work covering three broad topics including Edge AI/ML and Data, Edge Architecture and
Practice. In particular, we welcome work and discussions on:

- Adaptive Training Sampling
- AI Enabled IoT Applications at the Edge
- Collaborative Training at the Edge
- Cyber-Security and Privacy Aspects of Edge Computing
- DevOps for Deploying and Managing Applications at the Edge
- Edge Data and Storage Management
- Edge Inference Edge driven HPC, and HPC steered Edge Computing
- Efficiency Edge-cloud Data Orchestration
- Enabling SDN NFV at the Edge Energy
- Efficient Processors for Training and Inference
- Hardware for Edge-computing and Machine Learning
- Opportunities for Edge Computing driven by WiFi-Cellular (5G/WiFi6) Convergence
- Programming Models for Edge Computing
- Software and Hardware Multitenancy at the Edge

Paper Submission, Paper Style, and Proceedings

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal
or conference. The papers submitted to the workshop will be peer reviewed by a
minimum of 3 reviewers.

The following paper categories are welcome:

- Full Papers: Research papers should describe original work and be 6 - 8 pages in
length. The papers will be presented as 20 min talks.

- Short Papers: Short research papers, 4 or 5 pages in length, should contain enough
information for the program committee to understand the scope of the project and
evaluate the novelty of the problem or approach. The papers will be presented as 15
min talks.

- Concept Papers and Practitioner Reports: Short papers, reports and
extended abstracts 2 - 3 pages in length. These papers can describe new
concepts, emerging hardware and Software platforms, DevOps and Management of
IoT/Edge, including initial proof-of-concept design and implementation are
welcome. Reports may also focus on a particular aspect of technology usage in
practice, or describe broad project experiences. They may describe a particular
design idea, or experience with a particular piece of technology. The papers
will be presented as 8-10 min lightning-talks.

For more up-to-date information and links to submission please visit: https://www.paise.org

Important Dates

- February 7th AOE, 2021: Submission deadline.
- March 11th, 2021: Notification of acceptance.
- March 15th, 2021: Camera ready papers due.
- May 21st, 2021: Workshop.

Venue and 2021 Pandemic Planning

PAISE 2021 will be co-conducted with IPDPS 2021 on May 21st, 2021, at Portland, Oregon USA.
Portland, sits on the Columbia and Willamette rivers in the shadow of snow-capped Mount Hood
and is known for its parks, bridges and bicycle paths, as well as for its eco-friendliness,
the worlds largest bookstore, and its craft microbreweries.

Since we cannot predict possible restrictions that may be in force when IPDPS
2021 is due to be held, we are preparing for different potential scenarios.

     - If travel is not possible for some regions, we will be flexible and allow
     virtual presentations for affected speakers

     - If travel is possible but an author chooses not to travel due to individual
     or institutional financial or health concerns, we will be flexible and allow them
     to present virtually, and

     - If we must cancel our on-site event due to local conditions or restrictions, PAISE
     2021 will be completely virtual.

Regardless of the form of presentation, in person or virtual, every paper
accepted for PAISE 2021 will be published in the proceedings. We will also
guarantee valuable interaction on the papers to be presented.

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