[IPDPS] CFP: HIPS 2018 workshop co-located with IPDPS

Karl Fuerlinger Karl.Fuerlinger at nm.ifi.lmu.de
Sat Dec 16 02:01:10 UTC 2017


                              CALL FOR PAPERS

                    23rd International Workshop on
               High-Level Parallel Programming Models and
                   Supportive Environments (HIPS)

     Held in conjunction with the 32nd IEEE International Parallel
         and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2018)

                   Vancouver, Canada, May 21, 2018




The 23nd HIPS workshop, to be held as a full-day meeting on Monday,
May 21, 2018 at the IEEE IPDPS 2018 conference in Vancouver, focuses
on high-level programming of multi-/manycore systems, accelerators,
compute clusters, and massively parallel machines. Like previous
workshops in the series, which was established in 1996, this event
serves as a forum for research in the areas of parallel applications,
language design, compilers, runtime systems, and programming tools. It
provides a timely forum for scientists and engineers to present the
latest ideas and findings in these rapidly changing fields. In our
call for papers, we especially encourage innovative approaches in the
areas of emerging programming models for large-scale parallel systems,
data-intensive applications, and memory-centric architectures.

Important Dates

   ----------------------------- ----------------------
   Submissions due:              January 30, 2018
   Notification of acceptance:   February 23, 2018
   Camera-ready papers due:      March 9, 2018
   Workshop date:                Monday, May 21, 2018
   ----------------------------- ----------------------

Please submit papers using EasyChair:


For more information please consult the workshop webpage:


Topics of Interest

Topics of interest to the HIPS workshop include but are not limited to:

-   New programming languages and constructs for exploiting parallelism
     and data locality
-   Experience with and improvements for existing parallel languages and
     run-time environments such as MPI, OpenMP, Cilk, UPC, Co-array
     Fortran, X10, Chapel, Charm++, and OpenCL
-   Parallel compilers, programming tools, and environments
-   OS and architectural support for parallel programming and debugging
-   Software and system support for extreme scalability including fault
-   Programming environments for heterogeneous multicore systems and
     accelerators such as GPUs and FPGAs
-   Domain specific languages exploring embedded and stand-alone
     languages, libraries and runtime for focused application areas


Paper Format

Submitted manuscripts may not exceed ten (10) single-spaced
double-column pages using 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages (IEEE
conference style), including figures, tables, and references. The
submitted manuscripts should include author names and affiliations.


Proceedings of the workshops are published by IEEE CPS; they are
distributed at the conference and are submitted for inclusion in the
IEEE Xplore Digital Library after the conference.


Workshop Co-Chairs

-   Karl Fuerlinger, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) Muenchen,
     Munich, Germany
-   Philip C. Roth, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA

Steering Committee

-   Rudolf Eigenmann, Purdue University - West Lafayette, IN, USA
-   Michael Gerndt, Technische Universitaet Muenchen - Munich, Germany
-   Frank Mueller, North Carolina State University - Raleigh, NC, USA
-   Craig Rasmussen, University of Oregon - Eugene, OR, USA
-   Martin Schulz, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Livermore,
     CA, USA

Program Committee



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